Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Political Party

I hate politics. And politicians.

Hate is a strong word I guess. You know, hate the sin, love the sinner.

But I'm already on the verge of bringing up my lunch every day and there's still over four months or so until I have to step into the voting box. Already there's the blitzkrieg of lies and promises that will never, ever come to fruition. Everything being said now is for one thing and one thing only -- to get elected. Who knows, truly, what will happen then.

The big cry from both sides -- liberal and conservative -- against one another is to simply check the candidates' record. What does that mean? Anything on that record was done with the pure intention of staying in power. I don't trust a policitian's vote any more than I trust a politician. There are a few issues where a guy or gal pretty much has to state a case and leave it at that, or he'll get pummeled by the opposition when the next vote comes around. But by and large, they'll vote more with their eyes and ears than with their heart.

I'm already sick of it. Can't watch the cable news anymore because that's all that's there. Another great reason to curl up on the couch and watch a baseball game of any kind instead of Fox News or CNN. Or tennis. Or golf. Geez, curl up on the couch to watch curling. Anything but having to listen to the rattle of policians looking to stay out of the real world the voters live in.

I have a voter strategy I fully intend on using in the fall elections. Heck, I'll use it in any election. I base my vote on principles, and nothing else. I don't care who the candidate is or what demographic they come from. They will attest to these principles or I will not color that little Scan Tron dot by their name. It's as simple as that.

First of all, they must be pro-life. I will never vote for any candidate that favors abortion, of any kind. Period. The prophet Jeremiah praised God because God knew him in the womb, from the point of conception. You want my vote, you can't favor abortion. I don't care if you promise me a one-million dollar stimulus package every month.

Secondly, my candidate must be pro-family and pro-marriage, meaning traditional marriage. It's the obvious way God intended for things to be in his perfect creation. If you can't see that, go read the first few chapters of Genesis. Or go look in a mirror or an anatomy textbook, for crying out loud. I firmly believe we need a family amendment to the Constitution, which would lock down marriage between a man and a woman only. Period. End of story. If you think otherwise, go look somewhere else for a vote.

After that, then we can talk about issues such as security, the economy, health care, and whether or not Brett Favre should un-retire or not. Those are all up for debate. But the moral, family-foundational truths this nation was built upon are not for sale.

You see, I can live with tight security at airports and shopping malls. I can live with buying $4-per-gallon gasoline. I can live with paying $25 bucks for a $200 bottle of prescription medication and seeing my paycheck and insurance premium pay the rest.

But I cannot live with the fact that we as a nation have allowed millions of tiny babies to be butchered in the womb the last 30-plus years. I also can't live with the fact we've got a so-called social group running amok with a thirst for power and trying to do it all under the cloak of civil rights or tolerance while they practice a lifestyle that has been expressly forbidden by the Creator of all things.

And I will not tolerate that group trying to force their agenda in public schools, or anywhere else for that matter. It's already there in some places, and I will fight to my last breath to keep it away from my own children.

So to live means we have to stand up and fight for the things we believe in. And the way we fight in America is by voting. The main reason we are in the mess we're in now is because we didn't fight years ago. We tried to bury our heads in the sand and believe it wouldn't happen. And all the while the other side was firing shots over the bow, and now they've developed weapons of mass destruction.

So let the political saber-rattling continue. I won't watch. Come November, we can all fight back. I pray that God will allow us all to talk with our hearts, and with our right to vote. I pray that none of us make a vote in November, or any other time, because we fear a terrorist or because we've got nothing left in our wallet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... do you REALLY feel about all this??? Great post, I agree completely. Hope y'all are having a great time in baseball land:) We miss you guys! L