Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life In The Show (photos from World Series)

Coby talking to his buddy Mr. Baseball.

Bone getting ready at second base.

Abby stayed in the shade and found all kinds of things to occupy her time.

Perfect pitching form.

Monty never saw a base he didn't want to steal.

The brain trust and top scout.

No, this one wasn't long gone, unfortunately. But that's a nice pose.

Bone sizing up the pitcher.

Coby sizing up the catcher.

Abby sizing up the pappy.

Throw strikes, look mean and intimidate.

No idea what Bone's looking at, but he's thinking about something.

That's my boy.

1 comment:

CDJ said...

Great photos! I can't wait to show Philip...he DIGS still shots of "form". I think if I could set up one of those yellow line drawie thingies like John Madden has on the screen, the man would be in a tiny bit of heaven: "Look, Babe...see how that shoulder lines up directly with the [wahn-wahn wahn-wahn-wahn]"
Yes, Dear, that IS awesome.