Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Birthday "Boby"!

Those who know me and read this will certainly understand the next sentence.

My son's birthday was yesterday... and I'm just now blogging about it.

Some might call it procrastination. Others call it laziness. Guilty as charged on all counts, in most situations. But I must plead simple forgetfulness this time. Or maybe busy-ness.

In any event, I'm giving a belated one-day shout-out to Coby, who turned 11 Sunday. The nickname in the title of this entry is a tribute to what Coby's first little sister, Melody, used to call him back in the old days. It was quite hilarious and one of those memorable kid things you never forget as a parent, hearing those two toddlers -- born just 18 months apart -- talking to each other as "Boby" and "Med-a-die."

Birthdays, at least for kids these days, always seem to turn into birth weeks or even longer now. For example, the actual birthday was yesterday, May 7. Coby got up, was treated to breakfast of his choice by his mom, and then was treated to a nice 11-pat birthday spankin' by yours truly. Went to school, came home, and Jeannie took him to Academy to pick out a much-needed new baseball glove. Then to Nanny's for a birthday supper of hamburgers, then on to church with new glove in tow.

Sounds like a decent little birthday, right? For an 11-year-old "pre-teen?" Nope, haven't had the party yet. That big shindig happens Friday, out at Aunt Nona's and Uncle Monty's. Coby actually planned his own birthday party this year, or at least came up with the general idea.

He and his cousin Jacob, of course, were born just two weeks apart. Almost so close, in fact, that I guess we could have named Coby "Esau." Anyway, about a month ago he decided he wanted to invite Jacob to have a dual party, which is no big deal really. But he wanted the party to be out at the Meissner's baseball field, where we spend about 80 percent of our time this time of year anyway.

He wanted to invite his entire baseball team, along with some other friends from school/church, I'm guessing around 15-20 invites total. Then have Jacob invite pretty much the same amount, and the entire lot get together and play baseball. We'll have hot dogs and baseball, a good ol' American birthday.

We can probably even use the banner Jeannie bought for cousin Ty's birthday a month ago, although (by mistake of course) she happened to miss the "Happy Birthday" banner and came home with "Happy New Year." So we all sang "Auld Lang Syne" instead of "Happy Birthday" to Ty.

It'll be fun, of course. I'll either be a coach or umpire, or maybe just a fan, Friday. Either way, it's nice knowing your kid is enjoying his birthday as much as we enjoyed the first one.

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