Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On History And Miracles

Long time no blog, but I figure what a better time to get back into the swing of things than following such an "historic" event as yesterday.

I will admit that I had been praying for months for an Election Night miracle. Not the miracle that everyone in Chicago was praying for last night -- geez, was that Obama or Elvis? -- but a miracle of an upset.

For the last week, I prayed hard. I just knew God was going to answer the prayer and part the Red Sea -- or the blue sea, as it turned out. But I was wrong of course. There was no miracle. There was only disappointment in watching the most liberal senator in the land give what amounted to a victory lap in front of the adoring masses.

I listened to the blah blah blah for as long as I could stomach it before going to bed. God had chosen not to answer my prayer for a non-Obama administration. I would find a way to adjust and live with it.

But sitting here today and reading the news, I've once again been reminded that God doesn't work on my timetable or on my whim. I'd prayed for a miracle specifically for my side to pull out an election that, quite frankly, we didn't deserve to win. See, Christians don't do anything anymore. When it comes time to elect someone president, for a couple of months or so we'll talk loud and pray hard and hope that God will make it work. Or, as many did this time around, we'll simply not follow Christ's teachings or the teachings of the Bible and vote with our pocketbook or our emotions.

No, the election was lost long before Tuesday night and long before Barack Obama ever thought about running for president. We can't expect things to go our way when we don't do the things God calls us to do except during an election cycle. We certainly can't expect them to go our way when the only time we want to fight for our beliefs and the things we hold dear is when we're watching the election returns.

But God nonetheless gave us a miracle. You see, I was praying specifically for a miracle and that His will would be done. My will was not having Obama and all he stands for as president. But the news that California -- yes, California! -- voted down gay marriage is a miracle! Lost in all the election night hoopla and fanfest going on was the fact that God shot down the ultimate threat to our families in its most hearty of strongholds.

Who on earth would have believed that gay marriage wouldn't pass in California? A state that's never in contention for any conservative? A state so full of liberals and wackos, and homesexual rights activists on every corner -- and yet its citizens, the same ones who voted yes for Obama who is openly in support of the gay agenda and who even mentioned them in the same breath as whites and blacks in his speech Tuesday night -- voted No to gay marriage.

Call me reaching if you want, but that's a miracle. And it's a start. I mentioned several months ago in this blog that I would give my vote to candidates who supported traditional family values. I will continue to do so. Seeing it struck down by the citizens of the most homosexual of states in the country on Tuesday gives me hope. And it lets me know that God still is in the miracle business and he's still in the business of answering prayer.


Anonymous said...

I checked this thing first thing this morning, knowing full well you'd have a new post:) It is pretty incredible, isn't it? God truly does move in mysterious ways...

Anonymous said...

By the way, that was Lauren that posted:) Forgot to sign it:)