Thursday, April 3, 2008

Letters From Dad

Ten years ago when my first child was born, I had this crazy idea. It wasn't actually my idea, really, but one I'd heard through the grapevine somewhere.

Write a letter to your child. Put it away and then bring it out at some point in the future, maybe when they'd closed in on finishing high school and they'd see what kind of a great dad you were miraculously...

I never wrote the letter. Great idea, just never got around to it. I guess it got lost somewhere in the cries and the diapers and the birthdays and the Christmases and the ballgames over the last decade -- and next thing you know I've got three of the little suckers running around. The Letter From Dad was soon to be a Novel From Dad.

Thank God for creating the Internet, much to the dismay of Mr. Al Gore. This blog will hopefully serve as my Letters From Dad. I hope to be able to communicate with family members, friends and others just what it's like raising the three best kids in the whole world. Also, what it's like living with the greatest gal in the world (that's my wife if you're interested), and just what it's like being me -- or them living with me.

Played a nice little joke on a friend earlier this week, might even blog about that sometime soon. Her suggestion after days of not speaking to us anymore was to take my frustrations out on a blog. So here it is. All I can say is you get what you ask for...

Enjoy the blog everyone.


CDJ said...

Now, isn't this nice? A quiet little spot for venting your humor with artful skill. It really makes our friendship stronger when you do what I tell you to...shouldn't you agree?

mellymc said...

Very nice Dave. I would have liked to read more about my wonderful sister - I couldn't help but notice that her paragraph was a bit shorter than the rest. Also, I'm almost positive, being your favorite sister-in-law for the past 20+ years, that I'll make it on your blog sooner or later! ;)

Northern Payne's said...

Hey Dave! I really liked you're blog. A great writer, but it's my first time reading anything you've written. When will you finish the book you're writing, eh? JK! It's nice to have you guys a click away. Maybe we will be too someday.

David Weaver said...

Erin, tell your hubby it would save him a lot of text messaging if he would just start a blog and send us the pics/videos that he wouldn't have to go out and play in the snow.